Autism Isn’t Just for Boys 

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a disorder that affects how people communicate, process information, interact with others, etc. People can be diagnosed with autism as early as 2 years old and up to adulthood. Historically, it was thought that only boys and men could have autism, but that is very much false. Autism is more … Read more

Choose an Effective Conflict Style

Person in conflict

When navigating conflict in interpersonal relationships, many individuals struggle with determining how to effectively collaborate with the other person to reach shared goals. Sometimes a monumental amount of time and energy can fuel a collaborative process that unfortunately does not result in the goal being met but does succeed in exhausting both individuals. Imagine that … Read more

Burnout and Ways to Recover From It

matches burnt out

Burnout is defined as a state of chronic emotional and physical exhaustion resulting from prolonged stress and overwork. It can significantly impact one’s overall well-being and quality of life. Burnout can have serious consequences such as increased risk for heart disease, depression, and anxiety to name a few. Common symptoms of burnout include feeling detached, … Read more

Taking a Mental Health Day

Letter board self care isn't selfish

When you have a sore throat or a 102-degree fever, you know that you are sick and need to stay home from work or school. Physical symptoms are our brain and body’s way of telling us that we need to rest and take a break. Illnesses and broken bones we can see, it is obvious … Read more

Women’s Mental Health

women sitting together on bench

March is Women’s History Month! This month is about taking time to reflect on the impact women have had and continue to have on the world. It’s also important to shine a light on the mental health struggles women have faced throughout history and into today. Women make up the majority of people suffering from … Read more

My child is in therapy, Should I be too?

You and your child decided that the best option for them is to come to therapy. It is a huge step in the right direction for your child’s mental health. Now how do you decide if you should receive some type of therapy as well? This can be a hard decision to make and can … Read more

The Basics of Anxiety

Anxiety is one of the most common feelings that we can have. That feeling of fear or uncertainty when there is going to be a substantial change. That feeling you get right before you go over the big hill on a roller coaster. So why do we have this feeling? What is its purpose? How … Read more

How to Handle Criticism Nonjudgmentally

couple giving criticism in a non judgmental way

In my last blog, I shared how to give feedback to someone in a nonjudgmental fashion. While that can be really difficult to do, most people have said receiving feedback or criticism can be harder to tolerate. Especially if the person giving the feedback did not use the skills I outlined in the last blog. … Read more

Random Acts of Kindness and DBT

Random Acts of Kindness and DBT

This year the week of February 11th through the 17th is random acts of kindness week. Each year the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation encourages others to use this week of the year to focus on kindness and complete one act of kindness each day. On their website, they have multiple examples and walkthroughs of … Read more